Fil Vert 02

The following project was conceived during the third semester of the master in 2023 under the supervision of Professor Frédéric Bonnet. The project site is the marshes of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The initial approach was an analysis of the animal species at risk, an assessment of the percentage of polluted water and the “problem” of flooding related to the microtopography of the marsh. The project aims to create a new protected area in one of the lowest areas of the site, connected to the two existing nature reserves by a green passage for local fauna. The green passage was designed along the banks of the Ljubljanica, through the planting of rows of native trees, able to survive the marshy soil. The planting of trees, in addition to ensuring the fauna a safe passage between the crops, will over time lower the water level in the marsh aquifer. This solution, in addition to giving a boost to local biodiversity, will help local crops, decreasing the areas affected by flooding. In order to restore the area designated as a nature reserve to its original state, it was planned to close all drainage channels in the area in order to allow nature to spontaneously reclaim itself. Finally, the entire project takes on a public connotation, as it connects the city of Ljubljana with all the towns that have developed along the banks of the river up to the town of Vrhnika via a public path.









