Sogno di un parco 06

The following project was conceived during the first semester of the master in 2022 under the supervision of Professor Martino Pedrozzi. The project site is Via Franzoni in Locarno, Switzerland. After an initial analysis of the city, the neighborhood and an inspection, in addition to the directives provided by the mu- nicipality of Locarno, I came to the conclusion that an urban void was needed, designed with functions for the population and not a simple parking lot. The project develops in such a way as to redevelop the Sant’Antonio station, a stop on one of the ten most beautiful railways in Europe, create a green lung in the city, provide space for local or commercial activities and improve the capacity of the car park which is buried on the lowest floor. the level chosen as the ground floor is at the height of the railway tracks. this choice made it possible to create a park on several levels, defining different sub-environments. It was decided to use prefabricated concrete for the load-bearing elements, modifying only the finishing elements, and a light infill always prefabricated.







